Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Joy in Being

So now that I have hit everyone with the big, scary emotional post, I would like to turn the tables with one more post this week.

To anyone reading this, I challenge you to find one thing today which brings you joy.

I love both of my children to no end, but today I am choosing to find joy in B. He has an incredible desire to be our family comedian, and he is succeeding. He finds joy in bringing others joy. He is peaceful, calm and the light on our dark days. He is stubborn: very stubborn. He has an incredible attention span for his age. We can read books, do puzzles, or even just snuggle and talk for hours. He does not have a personality that needs attention, and so if he becomes engaged in an activity that consumes him, it is easy to forget he is there. If he has a goal, he accomplishes it. He does not fear discipline. In fact, he invites it mockingly most of the time. His heart is tender and he is careful to hug, kiss, and express his love for his family (and some of his friends). His personality is strong, and even though I have known him just shy of three years, I can't remember what my live was like without him (my blood pressure was probably lower).

I'm grateful for the joy he brings me. I'm grateful for the challenges he brings me.

"For ye shall go out with joy and be lead forth with peace: the mountains and hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all of the trees of the field shall clap their hands." Isaiah 55:12

Finding joy and welcoming it welcomes also the Holy Spirit. With inviting the Holy Spirit, we invite peace into our lives. Living in this way can bring gratitude for the smallest things into our hearts.

I testify that I am grateful for the blessings in my heart I receive when I find joy.

Where is your joy?

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