Monday, September 2, 2013

Changing Direction

Let's be honest, I'm having a hard time keeping up with the blogging. I feel like if I change direction, and keep it a more personal blog, I will be able to share some of the things I have wanted to share.

Our lives have changed in the last few months. Here's a run down in a nut shell:
1. We bought a house.
2. Our youngest son had some of his worst asthma attacks yet.
3. We went to Hawaii with my in-laws.
4. Matt quit his job and is now a full time student/employee of the university.
5. I started my Montessori training and I'm working at a preschool.

That about brings us all up to date. I'll elaborate on two or three of those posts this week. In particular, I would like to share a post about Little Bit and his asthma. I know, when it gets bad, I scour the internet for ideas and support. Sometimes it's nice not to feel like I am the only mom in the hospital with a boy who can't breathe. I certainly don't wish for others to have to go through it, yet it's comforting not to be alone.

Here are a few pictures to hold you over. ;)

"Don't give up when the pressure mounts. Face your doubts. Master your fears"
Jeffery R. Holland

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